네덜란드미술 42 (인물화, 풍경화)
네덜란드미술 42
인물화, 풍경화 감상.
아브라함 반 스트리Abraham van Strij (1753년1826년) 1
Abraham van Stry.
네덜란드 화가.
Jacob van Strij와 형제.
1753년 12월 31일 도르드레히트Dordrecht에서 출생.
1783년 소피아와 결혼.
1826년 3월 7일 도르드레히트에서 사망.
야곱 반 스트리Jacob van Strij(1756년~1815년)
Jacob van Stry.
네덜란드 화가.
Abraham van Stry와 형제.
Merchant at a table near window Sun.
Jacob View on Bleechingground in Vriesepoort Sun.
Sitting man with dog Sun.
Jacob Landscape with mill and cattle Sun.
Winter landscape Sun.
Two goats in a yard.
Hendrik Weymans and his family detail Sun.
Wooden rafts pm the Biesbosch Sun.
Jacob Landscape in winter Sun.
The young draughtsman Sun.
Merriment on frozen river Sun.
Unloading wood at Builenwalenvest Sun.
Jacob Milking time Sun.
Jacob Landscape with coast and ruin Sun.
Jacob Italian landscape with herdsmen couple Sun.
Reading old woman at window.
Jacob View on flooded Over and Nederwaard Sun.
Jacob Winterview Spuihaven in Dordrecht Sun.
Jacob Landscape with watermill Sun.
Boy and girl looking at drawings Sun.
Contemplation of a drawing Sun.