군용지도 부호
군용지도 부호
Antiaircraft Artillery 방공포병 |
Armored Command 장갑지휘 |
Army Air Forces 육군항공부대 |
Artillery, except Antiaircraft and Coast Artillery 포병, 방공, 해안포병 제외 |
Cavalry, Horse 기병, 군마 |
Cavalry, Mechanized 기병, 기계화부대 |
Chemical Warfare Service 화학부대 |
Coast Artillery 해안포병 |
Engineers 기술병 |
Infantry 보병 |
Medical Corps 위생병 |
Ordnance Department 軍械署 |
Quartermaster Corps 군수부대 |
Signal Corps 통신병 |
Tank Destroyer 탱크 구축함 |
Transportation Corps 교통부대 |
Veterinary Corps 수의부대 |
| |
Airborne Artillery 낙하산 포병 |
Airborne Infantry 낙하산 보병 |
- Size Symbols
- The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or
- above the rectangle, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying
- arm or service symbol indicate the size of military organization:
Squad 분대 |
Section 부분 |
Platoon 소대 |
Company, troop, battery, Air Force flight 기업,부대,배터리,공군비행 |
Battalion, cavalry squadron, or Air Force squadron 대대,기병중대 또는 공군중대 |
Regiment or group; combat team (with abbreviation CT following identifying numeral) 연대 또는 전투 그룹, 전투대(以下用简称的CT识别数字) |
Brigade, Combat Command of Armored Division, or Air Force Wing여단사령부 직속 장갑사단 또는 공군 |
Division or Command of an Air Force 사단 또는 부대사령부 직속 공군 |
Corps or Air Force 육전대와 공군 |
Army 군대 |
- Examples 범례
- The letter or number to the left of the symbol indicates the
- unit designation; that to the right, the designation of the parent
- unit to which it belongs Letters or numbers above or below
- boundary lines designate the units separated by the lines
Company A, 137th Infantry A소속,제137보병 |
8th Field Artillery Battalion 제8포병대대 |
Combat Command A, 1st Armored Division 작전사령부, 제1 장갑사단 |
Observation Post, 23d Infantry관찰초소 23D조보병 |
Command Post, 5th Infantry Division 지휘부, 제5보병사단 |
Boundary between 137th and 138th Infantry 제137~제138보병사단 사이의 경계 |
Machine gun 기관총 |
Gun 총 |
Gun battery 포대 |
Howitzer or Mortar유탄포 또는 砂浆 |
Tank 탱크 |
Self-propelled gun 자주포 |